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  1. J

    Does order online work

    Thanks for your post,  :-[ sorry but I did not recived any email before. Thanks Sandy for all the information about shipping and order instrucctions. Josep Ma
  2. J

    Does order online work

    :-[ Hello, The past month of February  i asked for a pitot AOA thru the order online page, but I do not have any answer I have tried to contact by e-mail with: with having no answer, anybody knows if is operative the order online Webpage??   thanks, Josep Ma...
  3. J

    EMS with FADEC engine??

    Hello, I'm thinking in the TMX IOF-360 engine for a RV7, also I like very much the dynon large displays (100 and 120 models) but will work the EMS-120 with fadec engine??  is there any interface?? any option?? thanks for your support  :-? Josep ma