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  1. A

    No signal to prop

    Hi. When I doin all your advice(, SkyView system work is right. But my prop can't receive signal from EMS221, in mapping page i can't write this function for 27,28 pins. How I can do it? And problem with OAT probe: where I can...
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    some problem with network Skyview

    Thanks. But I have new question) 1.) When I download to my SkyView system special files for R912iS (from I see that: (pic 1) When I entering in menu sensor mapping, I see that (pic 2) How I can mapping ping 36,37 to CAN High and CAN...
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    some problem with network Skyview

    Hi. Sorry for bad English and best reguards from Russia. I have SkyView system: D1000, D700, ADAHRS, EMS-221(For R912iS), SV-GPS-250, 2 backup battery and 2 servos. 1.) I connect all devices to network with skyview hub. When I detecting skyview devices in network this system don't find...
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    slow horizon on D-100

    Hi. I have D-100,  (v.  5.4.0). And i have problem: When i fly and banked, horizon indicator on my D-100 very slowly(10..15 sec from roll 30 degrees to 0) return to horizon position. update to v. 5.4.3 don't decide this problem. Can you help me? Thank you and sorry for bad english.