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  1. K

    Interfacing an AV8OR with a D10A

    Got the AV8OR working with the D10A. The interface is easy. Get the King P/N 005-037-02-0017 cable which is about 12 bucks from Aircraft Spruce and plug it into the Serial data DB9 connector used to update the Dynon. Set the AV8OR and Dynon settings as described here...
  2. K

    Interfacing an AV8OR with a D10A

    Can anyone provide the proper pinout from the mini USB used in the AV8OR to drive the D10A? It appears that it is necessary to order the King P/N 005-037-02-0017 mini USB to DB9 cable and then select the proper pins to drive the D10A. Could use some help here to determine the correct...