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  1. S

    Specs for Mac/Linux program to update firmware?

    Re: Specs for Mac/Linux program to update firmware Glad that worked out. I missed that other post. I have to echo what the other poster said, my 13" MacBook is nice and compact, very light too. I'll have to compare to some of the G4's we're taking back in at work. I don't think it is much...
  2. S

    Specs for Mac/Linux program to update firmware?

    Re: Specs for Mac/Linux program to update firmware Is this an Intel mac? If so you could run Parallels or (ICK) Virtual PC if you have a PowerPC laptop. Not sure about either products USB serial cable support though.
  3. S

    Support for 3rd party autopilots

    Got it. Also read the posting in the "other" forum. That cleared things up. Thanks. I think a lot of us didn't really understand autopilot support in your (or the other guys' ) products. Looking forward to all the neat new stuff you guys will be putting out.
  4. S

    Support for 3rd party autopilots

    Rumors are abounding on other forums that Dynon is dropping support for 3rd party autopilots. Confirm or deny?
  5. S

    HSI Overlay

    Would like to see the HSI overlaid on the AI screen. On the FlightDEK 180 that I'm planning to buy this would mean I could see all the info I'm interested in. Set the unit to 2/3 Flight Data - 1/3 Engine Data and then overlay the HSI on the Flight Data screen. Bada bing. Everything I need to...
  6. S

    Triple screen for D-180??

    If implemented it would sure give other low-cost EFIS's a run for their money. Would be a nice feature.
  7. S

    Quick reference guide

    Or better yet, build a menu tree into the unit itself. Hit a key and get a menu map of what's where and how to get to that item.
  8. S

    How long before the autopilot is ready??

    How about now? How about now? How about now? Sorry, that wasn't productive but I couldn't resist. ;D Don't make me buy an autopilot from someone else if I don't have to!
  9. S

    Best combination for redundancy

    Very cool, we have a winner then. :)
  10. S

    Best combination for redundancy

    I really like Dynon's products and think you guys have the best thing going so I feel very comfortable just having a second Dynon product for redundancy. My question is which combo gives you the most bang for the buck? I was thinking of a D180 as primary and a D100 or D10A as backup...
  11. S

    Moving Map

    Well then, off in the future, I will put in my order. :P :) Looking forward to it.
  12. S

    Moving Map

    I've seen it kicked around in a few of the forums but no actual request for it so here goes. How about a moving map? Give the "other guys" a run for their money, and help me save space in my panel. Feel free to throw in an integrated GPS that would provide guidance to an autopilot. Thanks!
  13. S

    2006 Oshkosh Announcements

    I have gone from being a possible customer to a solid will-be customer. This is great stuff. As far as screen brightness, especially for us bubble canopy guys, you can't make any display too bright. When the sun hits most displays under 800 nits they wash out. Brighter is better.
  14. S

    What kind of airplane are you flying?

    New member and prospective customer here. I fly an RV-4. 8-)