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  1. C

    Updating firmware issues

    Thanks for the replies. Indeed it should be a “.duc” afterfix, sorry for the typo. File is definately correctly saved on the usb drive. I have done about 3 firmware updates in the past without any hastle, so I am not completely new to the process. The last version installed somewhere last...
  2. C

    Updating firmware issues

    ?As far as I understand the file “name” shouldn’t be changed in any way as otherwise it wouldn’t be recognized by the system and will it not upload? As I am no computer fundi I cannot I cannot give a better explenation of this.
  3. C

    Updating firmware issues

    Tried today with another USB drive, but still the same “failed validation” and “file has error” messages. :-[ Will try to plug it directly into the unit itself over the weekend and thus eliminating the extension cable. One other thing I noticed is that my license number for the unit itself”...
  4. C

    Updating firmware issues

    Thanks for the reply. I’ll most certainly try another usb drive.
  5. C

    Updating firmware issues

    For some or other reason I cannot seem to load new firmware on a Skyview classic. And I get messages of “failed validation” and then “file has error”. This is also not the first time that this has happened and were I also unable to load a previous version as a result of the same issue. The...
  6. C

    Servo calibration "failed"

    Hi everyone, first post here! I recently bought a second hand Jabiru. I struggled to have the roll servo engage in flight and someone suggested I recalibrate/setup the servos. After the calibration step where one is supposed to move the stick through the range of motion, the Skyview displays a...