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  1. E

    SV1000T - stayed on when batt master off

    After the Zero Airspeed Calibration procedure, powering down several times the aircraft (from the main switch on the panel) the two Dynon screens are displaying the red bars with the 30 seconds counter. I wait those 30 seconds and the screens indeed shut down after those 30 seconds. Regards...
  2. E

    ASI fluctuates wildly

    The before bouncing ASI tape after doing the Zero Airspeed Calibration now indicates a steady "---" (zero). Exactly as should be and the upper speeds are not affected by this calibration procedure. Problem solved. Regards, Alex.
  3. E

    Air Speed

    1- First of all in the closed hangar carefully cover your static port(s) with a piece of tape and also put the cover on the pitot tube. 2- Start your Dynon(s) -> Hold buttons 7 and 8 for a few seconds to enter in the SETUP MENU -> HARDWARE CALIBRATION -> ADAHRS CALIBRATION -> Zero Airspeed...
  4. E

    ASI fluctuates wildly

    You guys are good !!! Thanks alot for your quick and pertinent answer ! I'll report here the results ASAP... Alex.
  5. E

    ASI fluctuates wildly

    Yes, as I answered in your topic... But anyhow I'm (kind of) happy that there is a logical explanation for the problem. At least now I know my program for the week-end. :-) Regards and thank you for the link, Alex.
  6. E

    SV1000T - stayed on when batt master off

    Yep... the same situation here. But until now I cannot explain the phenomenon. Starting with this flight season I almost always got the red bar(s) on the bottom of the screen(s) informing me that "Aircraft Power Is Lost" (or something similar) and I usually shut down the screens from the...
  7. E

    ASI fluctuates wildly

    Hello Dynon people ! As per the request of the board rules I think that I have some issues related to this topic and this is the reason why I put my question(s) here polluting a little bit Steve-D's topic instead of starting a new one. If the starter of the topic or someone else think that my...