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  1. N

    ARINC IN input options for D100?

    Hi, (Question highlighted following background info.) I'm using a D100 as a backup for my primary EFIS. (I originally planned to use three round gauges, then decided to use a D6 and as things happen, it "grew" to be a D100/HS34. 8-)) I would like to take advantage of the CDI capability of the...
  2. N

    "Reviving" an unused D10A?

    Hi, I'm helping with a friends project that has been neglected for over 5 years. The D10A flashes a screen briefly about once a second when the unit is powered. If the backup battery is disconnected, the unit comes on normally. I assume the backup battery is completely DEAD. Would you expect...
  3. N

    Suggested improvements to release 3.0

    Hi, Here are some recommendations for enhancements to the next release from a D10A user. FYI – the GPS data to my D10A is from a Garmin GPSMAP296. I also have a Garmin GNS430W with an old fashioned dedicated CDI in my panel. At Arlington, Dan showed me how to cycle between the three different...
  4. N

    Useage model of variable resistor in audio line?

    Hi, Regarding the variable resistor in the audio output: Should the variable resistor be mounted in the panel so the audio volume is easily adjustable from flight to flight? If yes, would an audio taper be a better choice for the variable resistor instead of the variable resistor with the...