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  1. G

    DSAB Failure between D100 and D120

    I have an EFIS D100 and an EMS D120 in my Glastar. Both worked ok for about 5 years, however with occasional DSAB failures ("NETWORK CONNECTION LOST"). Failure was either selfresetting or a restart of the EFIS and/or EMS corrected the problem. Not so since a few days: DSAB isn't working anymore...
  2. G

    Fuel Pressure never 0

    Before we guess at anything, what System is this on (SkyView, D120, etc) and what sensor are you using EMS D-120 with the Standard 0-30 PSI sensor (Dynon P/N 100411-000).
  3. G

    Fuel Pressure never 0

    Since Installation my Fuel Pressure never shows 0, but steady 0.5, when the Fuelsyst is unpressurized. With Fuel Pump ON / Engine running the Indication seems to be ok. What can I do ?
  4. G

    EMS D-120 readings erratic

    I have now 40 hrs on my GlaStar and my EMS D-120 worked perfectly up to now. But when I powered the unit up today after refuelling, most of the readouts were erratic: MAP showed 0. All EGT's and CHT's jumped around (somehow parallel) between normal and up to 1400°C (EGT's) and 999°C (CHT's)...