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  1. M

    121.5 one button tuning

    Didja read post #4?
  2. M

    121.5 one button tuning

    One exception - per 91.215(c), if you're in uncontrolled airspace (Class G) that is not part of the airspace defined in 91.215(b), you do not need to have your transponder turned on even if you have an operable one in the plane. So depending upon where you are, you MAY be allowed to turn your...
  3. M

    LNAV+V coupled approaches appear to fly lower than I expect

    I agree with everything you said. I think the OP was mostly questioning why (if it is) the Dynon AP seems to him to be doing something different than the previous TT AP. I'm not convinced that it is, but _IF_, for some reason, the TT AP kept him on or above the GS on the approach (two red, two...
  4. M

    LNAV+V coupled approaches appear to fly lower than I expect

    I believe the answer is yes, as with LOC approaches, as long as you don't drop below the altitude for the next fix. This is the most interesting point to me. The 430W is what's providing the vertical guidance (showing LNAV+V) - NOT the Skyview (or TruTrak). Either AP is just following the glide...
  5. M

    What's involved in adding a second Skyview?

    I'd call it the same thing that Dynon calls it - a Skyview Network Cable. It is an unpublished proprietary network protocol. Canbus is a very specific thing, and the Dynon network isn't that.
  6. M

    What's involved in adding a second Skyview?

    Dynon does not use a CANBUS. Garmin does.
  7. M

    Hobbs & Tach time not recording

    Crap. You're right - that's what happens when you go from memory. Thanks for the correction. Apparently he's been flying at 83% of whatever the RPM is set to for Tach. Sigh - don't get old.
  8. M

    Hobbs & Tach time not recording

    It does if your cruise RPM, as set in the engine setup, is set to about 83% or the redline setting for your engine (assuming also that THAT's set up correctly). Check your user manual for "Tach Time". It's likely that there are slight differences in the standalone OP switch and the 15 psi limit...
  9. M

    Airport Offset User Waypoint

    No. The user guide is pretty clear in the "User Waypoint" section that you can only create User Waypoints using Lat/Long. There are no other choices. Of course, using Google Maps, Foreflight, or some other mapping software, one can easily determine the Lat/Long of anyplace on earth for input.
  10. M

    Classic Skyview Wifi-connection issue

    Maybe, maybe not, but why would you choose to inconvenience the the folks that you're asking for help, rather than take the few seconds required to make your questions and comments more legible?
  11. M

    Uncommanded Autopilot Engagement

    Well, sticking my nose in here, "RTM" would certainly have been more appropriate than including the "F", which definitely is somewhat condescending. On the other hand, many people do NOT "RTM" before asking simple, obvious questions, and for those folks who take the time to try to help those...
  12. M

    a couple questions re IFR approaches

    As @airguy says, with dual screens, it's fairly simple to maintain attitude, location, weather and traffic situational awareness. On the left screen (pilot side) I have PFD and approach plate, along with bottom engine band. On the right screen, I have map and engine, 1/2 and 1/2. So I get...
  13. M

    D120 Pin 14 only reading 4 volts (should be 5 volts)

    If you have disconnected the FT-60 from the EMS and you're measuring voltage on pin 14 on the EMS, then you're just measuring some internal floating voltage that doesn't mean or represent anything in particular (although you could call Dynon's support line and ask them what it might mean - can't...
  14. M

    D120 Pin 14 only reading 4 volts (should be 5 volts)

    I'm sorry, but I don't think you are understanding (or someone isn't) what's going on here with the "red cube". The red wire, from pin 15 on the D120, is 12V/14V power TO the red cube. The black wire from pin 13 is the ground wire TO the red cube. The yellow/white wire from pin 14 on the D120 is...
  15. M

    Emergency glide test findings

    Behavior is not IP.
  16. M

    Screen Size of HDX1200

    The panel cutout is the same size as the HDX-1100. The screen size is larger. The attachment screws are in a different place. Look a the PDF's of the two here: for dimensions.
  17. M

    SkyView Autopilot Control Panel buttons getting slow/sticky

    Nope - bought mine in 2020 - as I said, it's 4 years old.
  18. M

    SkyView Autopilot Control Panel buttons getting slow/sticky

    Interesting. I've started having the same issues - about the same age, too. Works great, but never know if a button press it going to take or not...
  19. M

    Altitude Bug

    RTM. It's where all the other bug settings are. Not in setup. See BUGS under PFD tools.