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  1. P

    overhall O200 oil pressure ?

    Hi I just install an O200 overhalled, what is the correct oil pressure? on ground i read 3,4 and in full power 5,6 is it normal, anyone can tell me more on those data??
  2. P


    WORKING GREAT....... THANK YOU !!!! :)
  3. P


    thk you for the prompt answer, i will control tomorrow, i'll give you news
  4. P


    hello, I'm trying to fix my oil pressure probleme first I made myself a wiring harness from d37, but I was enable to fix my oil press I baught dynon complet Harness in color I reinstall every thing, but still enable to get oil press all other sensors working in sensor type on setup config  1 and...
  5. P

    ems sensor  error

    i just finish to install the D180 with a cont O-200 all sensor from dynon the problem is on a cold engine ACTUAL local TEMP 68 F but on the dynon I read all cht 251 F all egt 254 F Oil temp 104 F Carb temp 55 F Oat 11 F (alt -2570 Ft) and oil press show "---" in red...
  6. P

    G296 HS34 D180 connection

    EVERYTHING is WORKING....... i try in my hangar in simulator mode.......... outside it's perfect
  7. P

    G296 HS34 D180 connection

    the dsab is configure and well see by the d180 and the HS34 I upgrade the HS34 and the D180 the hsi just work with the g296 for a day and stop i check all the welding and wire, evreything look good and still have "WAITING FOR GPS FIX" :'(
  8. P

    G296 HS34 D180 connection

    i wirring the g296 with garmin blue port 1 out to 2 on male d25 and yellow port 1 in to 15 on d25 cable to the HS34 but the hsi is not working with gps" waiting for gps fix" d180 connect to HS34 via dsab and working anyone could have info on the connection g296 VERSION 4.60 :com1=Aviation...