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  1. R

    Altimeter Correction

    RV8JD, your response was spot on and very much appreciated ! That was exactly the input I was hoping for. I will now "make it so".
  2. R

    Altimeter Correction

    It is 40' off consistently throughout the climb, e.g. when 5000' true (and tranmitted via xpndr) my HDX show 4960'. It is not off by a %. At field elevation, I am 40' off.
  3. R

    Altimeter Correction

    I just had the Pitot/Static and XPNDR test done by a qualified technician. He dialed the test to 10,500' and my Dynon altimeter showed 10,460'. Is there a way that I can dial in a 40 foot correction in the Dynon HDX system ? If so, how ?