3 wire OAT


Jul 2, 2007
Camarillo, CA
Just spent 3 hours installing my 3 wire OAT and I have a couple suggestions.

1- please give us a longer lead on the OAT. I put the OAT in my wing root just inside of the flaps, there will be plenty of air moving around in there to get a good OAT and there's nothing sticking out in the wind directly. I needed about 10 feet of wire to do it though. I had to extend the wires, but the splice ends up being too much of a bulge to get the nylon nut over. I ended up bonding the OAT probe in place without the nut.

2- It would make it easier if one or two of the unused pins on the D-10A connector were internally grounded. That way we wouldn't have to try to get 2 wires and the shielding onto one tiny pin. I ended up crimping a pin on the end of one wire and leaving enough wire exposed to solder the other wire and the shielding onto the wire with the pin on it.

Hope this helps.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
In hindsight, point 2 would indeed have helped make installation a little smoother. Though none of the pins are grounded internally, the aluminium chassis itself is, so this could be used as the ground path.