5.5 Firmware Update for D10/D100 Series Available


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
5.5 Firmware Update for D10/D100 Series Products

We've just released firmware version 5.5 for the Dynon EFIS-D10A, EMS-D10, EFIS-D100, EMS-D120, and FlightDEK-D180. Firmware for the EFIS-D6 and EFIS-D60 is unchanged and is not affected by this release.

5.5 contains a few small fixes but does not add any new features to the D10/D100 series of products. The fixes include:

EFIS fixes:

Fixed: Autopilot NAVSRC lost messages which caused the autopilot to drop down from NAV to TRK or HDG mode.

Fixed: Autopilot altitude hold that was offset by tens of feet from the desired target. Existing altitude offsets may take a few minutes of straight/level AP flight to self-calibrate out.

Improved: Autopilot tolerance of EFIS installations that contain higher than ideal vibration levels.

EMS fixes:

Improved: Rotax oil temperature fluctuations smoothed out (sensor type 4).

RV-12 customers with D180/D100 products will need a Vans-provided update file that allows their products to upgrade to 5.5. Dynon is currently working with Vans to make those files available as soon as possible.

The 5.5 version of the Dynon Support program, which includes the update, can be downloaded here.