A couple of odd things happened on my SkyView


I love flying!
Dec 11, 2015
Today on boot-up the EMS was missing from the SkyView screen. I was able to switch EMS on and it operated fine and then it disappeared on shutdown.
After delving into the set up are of SkyView I found that I had to select EMS on a boot up which I did and which fixed the problem.

My question is why would this happen?

At home it occurred to me that my SkyView used to provide a caution box after it had detected that fuel had been added and I've wondered why that went away. Reading the installation manual at home I saw that I can go in and select the added fuel detection on and, as with the situation I noted above, (with EMS not booting up on start) I wonder if this too has somehow been switched off? Again it's not something I've done and I'm wondering why.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Check out the LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT SETUP. Is EMS on that display set to ALLOWED (SAVE STATE) or ALLOWED (NOT SHOWN AT BOOT)? If either, that would explain it (if the first setting, you may have turned it off before shutting down the last time. That would've been saved then).

I think we're looking into whether there's a bug in the fuel detect prompt. But also, if your fuel flow isn't measuring for some reason (failed sensor or connection), the computer won't think there is a discrepancy when you fill up because they will match.