Thanks for the correct reply George.
If you give the Dynon "false" airspeed by blowing in the pitot tube, you will see pitch. As george says, we use airspeed as one of our acceleration inputs, and thus you just told us that the airplane accelerated when it didn't, you can expect to see some error from this. However, all the error will be in pitch. Basically, the unit sees airspeed change suddenly, but the internal accelerometers see no change. If you think about it, the only way this could happen in flight is with a pitch change that exactly matches gravity's acceleration against the airspeed change.
We are not familiar with any roll error on accleration. This sounds like the unit may be installed "sideways" where the unit is not aligned with the airframe, or the unit may have some other issue. The calculations in the D10 and D10A are exactly the same, so we didn't "fix" that in the D10A, but as far as we know, we also don't have a roll-on-acceleration problem.