ADAHRS Fail Internal Error: Multiple Sensors


I love flying!
Jul 16, 2012
Sammamish, WA
HI All,

I am running a 10 inch SKY View Classic that has ran great for over 10 years on my RV-7 and is now having issues. I have an audio failure that I have been living with for a year now, and just today when I went to fly I got the big red X and the message ADAHRs Fail message listed in my post title. Noting that this has been set up running great for years, and only now flagging errors does anyone know how to get more detail on this error?

Curious if this can be diagnosed to my Skyview unit itself, or the ADAHRS. I really doubt it is a connection or set up issue since it has had proven performance, so any ideas?

Also note that it looked to be working fine the first 5-8 seconds of boot up, showing current correct readings like OAT, Attitude etc, before flashing the big X.

Give me any thoughts on how to troubleshoot, or maybe I need to follow up with support?

More info on my plane and setup:

Thank You
ADAHRS Source Error.jpg

ADAHRS Fail.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Don't doubt connection issues. In fact, they're far more likely over time, on all aircraft. I'd start there. Might be something as simple as a loose connector.


I love flying!
Jul 16, 2012
Sammamish, WA
I will be checking the connections this weekend of course.

Does anyone know what all the sensers are on the ADAHRs? If I have multiple to check, it would be good to know the full set that I will need to be verifying.

I know Pitot static and OAT go into the ADAHRs as well as the Skyview Network Cable, what else should I be checking?

Is there a way to tell if it is an actual ADAHRs issue, or if it is the Skyview Unit/Network? If it is ADAHRs, is the only option to replace with New?

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Pitot, OAT and AOA if you have it.

Out of curiosity, have you performed any updates recently that may have something to do with this?

It appears to be an ADAHRS issue, but it's hard to say without checking things first. Dynon can tell you what your options are. They might be able to just repair it if needed. You'd need to contact them to get those answers. They might be able to give you better advice on troubleshooting as well.