Adding a D10A to panel with D100/D120/HS34/servos/


Feb 22, 2007
I am adding a D10A to a panel that already has a D100/D120/HS34/ with autopilot servos. I don't have an EDC for the D10A, nor a temperature probe for it, though both of these elements are available and connected to a D100.   The D100 also has an internal battery backup. The D10A is to provide redundancy for the D100 during IFR operations.

My thinking is to connect the RS232 serial line of the Garmin SL30 to the D10A as well as the DSAB line of the system. The DSAB to the D10A will be connected to a switch which can interrupt the DSAB should there be a DSAB hiccup, failure or an issue with the HS34. This would then allow the D10A to revert to using the serial line (SL30) and allow navigation as well as performing an ILS approach.

I also have a GNS480 GPS/nav/com in the panel, however I understand that the GPS needs the HS34 to perform vertical navigation (reason for connecting the SL30).

Any thoughts on different interconnection scheme to minimize panel failure mode risks?

Also, will the EDC temperature sensor information from the D100 be made available to the D10A via the DSAB?

Can an ILS approach be performed with solely with a D10A? (horizontal and vertical nav, and altitude monitoring).




Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
That should work. I admit that I don't know off the top of my head - and I don't have your proposed configuration currently available - whether the local serial port becomes automatically active if an HS34 goes away if you don't first do a DSAB reconfiguration. I believe it does. The local serial port(s) are normally ignored when the HS34 is in the mix, but you might need to do a reconfig after it goes offline.

Other than that, yes, you can do an ILS solely witha D10A, either while looking on the HSI page or by using the needles that can surround the attitude indicator on the PFD (you also get a course reference bug on the heading tape). One caveat here is that the autopilot can't fly the glide-slope on the D10/D100 series products.

Yes, a single OAT probe will be available to both devices via DSAB.

An alternate thought is to run the SL30 to the D10A exclusively. It lets you fling things around screens less, but it would let you see the SL30 and the 480's guidance simultaneously. With everything connected via DSAB, the HSI source will be the same across the whole systems.


Feb 22, 2007
Thanks for the reply. I'll try connection the SL-30 serial data lines to it as well as the DSAB, and provide a disconnect switch to the DSAB. This should provided some level of redundancy if the HS34 were to conk out.