Adding PWR & GND to D-sub


Apr 26, 2013
Fort Mill, SC
OK…Upon further review… (My original question is at the bottom of this post…)

I have a SV system wired for a Roll servo. I want to pre-wire my RV-8 for a future Pitch servo. Originally, I was planning to fabricate another NET-SERVO harness to run from my SV Hub, behind my panel, to the pitch servo. NOW…after browsing your Forum a little, I've discovered a graphic that clearly says I can tap into the existing twisted pairs of wires that are now running to my roll servo, with the wires I will run to my pitch servo.
IS THIS CORRECT?…I'm doubtful, because I cannot see how the correct inputs from the SV can figure out which servo to manipulate. MAGIC?
This would greatly simplify my wiring if I can tap off these existing twisted pairs, along with PWR and GND. :eek:

Is there any reason why I shouldn't include the Power, Ground and Disconnect wires to the harness I'm fabricating between my SV Hub and A/P servo?  I'd like to put all these wires in 'snakeskin' and pull them together thru the bulkheads. 
If they should be separate, then is there a desired distance to try to keep the PWR and data lines part? ::)


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Yes. it is magic. ;)

I tapped into my ADAHRS cable to wire my servos. I added a +12V and GND plus the CWS wire.



Apr 26, 2013
Fort Mill, SC
Splicing and splitting data and power lines

OK, just be to be clear;
I can cut/splice/split ANY serial data lines in ANY network cable and add a device?  Specifically,the 4 data lines running from the SV to my roll servo; cut and split them at my wing root and run new connections back to my pitch servo?
OR, better yet…can I split and add to the data lines to my ADHRS unit, which is already in the aft fuselage, to send/receive signals to my pitch servo?
AND…if I'm willing to have both servos on the same electrical circuit, tap into it's power wire and run both servos from the same wire? 


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Yes. That is basically what I did. I added the servos a couple years after I installed the D1000. I cut the four wires going to the ADAHRS - wires 1 (green), 4 (white/blue), 6 (blue) and 8 (white/green) shown on pages 10-10 and 10-11 of the install guide. I connected the two ends of the wires I cut together and added the a wire from each of the the servos. Basically spliced the servo wires into the ADAHRS cable. I did not cut or splice wires 2,3,5,7 and 9.

The power (separate from network cable) to both servos comes from one breaker (VP-X), the GND to a common GND and the CWS wire from both servos were connected together and can be grounded with a button on the stick.

In the picture above the wires on the left are from the ADAHRS network cable and the wires on the right are from the servos. the single wires on the left (black or white) are +12V, GND and CWS wires for the servos. There is an extra red and white wire I didn't use for the servos.

Been flying that way for a couple hundred hours :).


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, you can split the network data wires at any point and use them. We actually sell a splitter if you want. Lots of installs run the ADAHRS and pitch servo off a common pair.

You can't run the servos off the power in the "network" wire, but you can run both servos off the same power wire. Most installs have a common switch to disable both servos, and some even have a common breaker. Just make sure you size everything right, but if you are using SV32s that's easy since they are 2A each so a common 5A breaker and any wire 22ga or higher is fine.