Adding secondary screen option for tandem aircraft


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
It would be a valuable feature, value added feature, if Dynon could add a port or re-task current port to to allow for a second screen for back seat passenger.

I'm not talking about a second Skyview unit, but just a simple slaved screen for them.  Ideally it would allow for a wide range of screen options and not a Dynon only option for the second screen.  

Maybe as simple as adding a splitter unit for data inputs and a video feed from the primary unit to second unit.

Often I may have another pilot in back who may want to take over for a spell or my wife, who actually likes to be able to see where we are going and understands most of the data.  

Just curious if this is a possibility with the Skyview??


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Adding secondary screen option for tandem airc

Any hardware which outputs the necessary video signal to drive a second display will raise the cost of the existing product. This will make it either somewhat more expensive for everyone to benefit a few, or require Dynon to make a "special run" that is a lot more expensive for those few (incidentally making the "normal run" a bit more expensive, since some demand will shift). In either case, it is likely that the "real cost" for a tandem aircraft (either what you pay, or the cost subsidized across all buyers) for a "master" and a "repeater" will approach parity with simply buying a second EFIS.

In other words, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch (TANSSAAFL)...



Active Member
May 7, 2006
Re: Adding secondary screen option for tandem airc

As much as it pains me to say so on a Dynon forum, The Trutrak Gemini devices seem to fit the bill for affordable backseat and/or backup EFIS systems.

I have been suggesting on this forum for quite a whioe that Dynon make low-profile versions of the D10A based on the Skyview architecture for this purpose, but now it looks like a competitor has provided a solution.

It's still not too late for Dynon to make a low profile device to replace the D10A for this type of application, but I think they are busy with the SV system.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: Adding secondary screen option for tandem airc

Vern, remember that the TruTrak Gemini is like the other TruTrak "EFIS" units, in that it doesn't display attitude, and that it only displays GPS ground track and has no heading information. Which is one of the reasons that they can make it for $300 less than a D6 and smaller. Also, the screen is only 50% of the area of the D6 screen.

Plus, they aren't even going to be for sale for at least 9 months.


New Member
May 4, 2007
Re: Adding secondary screen option for tandem airc

I had made this exact suggestion to Dynon 4 years ago and got exactly the same response;

"Dynon has dertermined that YOU don't need it and wouldn't pay for it even if we did offer it, so we don't"

Lotsa tandem aircraft out there and someone is going wise up and offer it.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Re: Adding secondary screen option for tandem airc

For JunglePilot - I think that Dynon has made it possible to add any number up to four SV screens to any aircraft. I noticed quite a number of dual screen systems (a preferred option) in side by side configurations. If you value your back seat co-pilot, bite the bullet and get them their own SV screen. Failing that get a GPS unit with moving maps for your wife as I suspect that she just wants to see where you are going and not fly. A good unit to look at the the Apple iPad. ~$600 get's you moving maps plus a complete entertainment system. She deserves it. ;)

If you do go with the iPad, add a camera and point it at your panel. I also read somewhere that pushing buttons (2 and 5?) sends a screen shot to the USB device. Should be able to rig something to get the panel displayed on the iPad mounted in the back.


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
Warrenton, Virginia
Re: Adding secondary screen option for tandem airc

I've been looking at the EFIS options (Garmin G3X, GRT, AFS, etc) to Dynon over the last few years. The decision to go with Dynon really came down to what I wanted in the back seat. I flight with a GIB frequently and Liked the idea of full functionality in the back seat. Most of the GIBs are pilots as well.

The garmin was way too expensive, and each of the others became too expensive as you add in control for AP, and other such things. I only have a few hours on the SV, but its nice for the front/back seater to set the bugs for the other person. But mostly to have the same abilities as the person in the front.

I even thought about backup D10/100 etc.

If I was going to put in the basic six/pack in the back, it would come close to the 7" cost. I decided just to go the extra and put the 10" in back due to size of the HSI.

It would be nice if the second (or 3rd SV) screen were less money because you have already purchased the "SV" system. But I'd like the full functionality in the back.