The simple answer is that you can't display L to the tenth.
The conversion is hard coded. We show Gallons to the tenth, but then when we go to L, we change to integers. This is because a liter is .26 gallons, so one L is pretty close to a tenth of a gallon. Conversions between units are always a bit tricky and imperfect for all applications.
So, two options:
1) Go in and change your K factor by 10 like we mentioned. Now your flow will be 300L/hr instead of 30L/hr, but now you have more precision. This WILL mess up your fuel computer (unless you enter 1000L on board instead of 100L). But for temporary use, this will work.
2) You can go into sensor debug in EMS SETUP. Under here, you can see fuel flow to the 1/1000th of a GALLON. This number is always in GALLONS, so be careful. But you can see super precision in here. The absolute accuracy of this number is all up to your K factor, but relative accuracy should be pretty good.