Can I use the Dynon Skyview Transponder as an ADS-B solution in Australia?
Yes, provided you have a certified GPS in your aircraft.
The Dynon Skyview Transponder is a fully certified device and is ADS-B OUT compliant. However no GPS that Dynon sells is certified and thus the Dynon GPS solution is not suitable as a position source for ADS-B in Australia. Dynon have made allowance for the user to connect a compliant GPS such as a Freeflight or a Garmin GPS directly to the transponder. Connection of a certified GPS to the SkyView screen alone is not sufficient. You need Skyview version 5.0 or better and the installer has to tell the Skyview that a directly connected compliant GPS source is being used. In the transponder setup menu, there is a GPS DATA item in the menu. If this is set to "DIRECT (GARMIN ADS-B)" or "DIRECT (FREEFLIGHT)" then they are configured for a direct, TSO'd connection to the GPS. It is easy for a user to verify the system is doing the right thing – if the "GPS STATUS" indicates valid data, then the device is transmitting GPS data from the TSO'd GPS. Refer to the SkyView install manual or contact Dynon technical support for more detail. If no direct connection to a compliant GPS is made, ADS-B messages will still be transmitted, but will be ignored by most receivers because the transmitted "quality" flags will indicate that the data is not trustworthy.