AHARS Install


I love flying!
Dec 6, 2011
I am installing the AHARS for the SV behind the baggage compartment in an RV-8. The harness I received is about 6-8 feet long with a DB-9 connector on each end. I think I could have ordered a longer one but did not know that at the time. I need a longer run and was wondering if I can splice in an extension on the twisted wires, (orange, yellow and back wires)? Is there a problem with doing that? Any considerations? :eek:


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We don't have a yellow wire in the SkyView Network cables :)

Splicing additional length into the SkyView Network cable isn't an issue if:
* Same wire size (22 AWG) is used
* The same 8-10 twists / foot in the Blue/Green and White-Blue/White-Green pairs (for data communications) are continued in the spliced section.
* Nice, clean, good electrical connections are observed.

If it were me, I'd just order a longer SkyView Network cable - the fewer splices, the better.


I love flying!
Dec 6, 2011
I think that is what I will do is order a longer cable but I still have some questions. What cable do I order to run between the AHARS and the SV? (Part number) Is it one of the SV data cables? In reading the install manual it says the basic SV system comes with a cable with a DB 9 on one end and none on the other. However I cannot find that cable in my order. What I need is the cable and DB connectors to run between the AHARS and the SV display and I need about 15-20 feet. Also is there a pictorial and wire breakout of the pin out to the AHARS and the wire colors to the pins in the install manual? Thanks :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I think that is what I will do is order a longer cable but I still have some questions. What cable do I order to run between the AHARS and the SV? (Part number)  Is it one of the  SV data cables?  In reading the install manual it says the basic SV system comes with a cable with a DB 9 on one end and none on the other.  However I cannot find that cable in my order.  What I need is the cable and DB connectors to run between the AHARS and the SV display and I need about 15-20 feet.   Also is there a pictorial and wire breakout of the pin out to the AHARS and the wire colors to the pins in the install manual?  Thanks :)   

The "basic SV system" comes with a TEST cable that has two 9-pin connectors on both end. That cable is shipped in the same box as the SkyView display.

All of the SkyView Network cables are optional purchases.

The available SkyView Network cables are:

The number is the length in feet.
The "CC" cables have both ends terminated in fully assembled connectors.
The "CP" cables have one end has a fully assembled connector. The other end has the pins crimped onto the wires, but not assembled into a connector for ease of threading through bulkheads. The connector (where pins are inserted) and the "shell" are both included with the cable.

The pin orientation of the "CP" cables are documented in the SkyView System Installation Guide - in the one currently on the website (http://www.dynonavionics.com/downloads/Install_Guides/SkyView_System_Installation_Guide-Rev_J_Software_v3.2.2.pdf), it's on page 17-8.