airspeed errors


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
I've had the d10a for a couple of years now in a yak. Remote flux instalation.

The airspeed has always read 6kts slow, compared to the ASI I have. I figure one of them was wrong, no big deal. Until 2 weeks ago after a flight where it had been reading this way, I put the aircraft to bed, hangar, and then flying the next day the Dynons' reading 14 to 15 kts fast. It's been that way ever since.

There's nothing I can say to explain it. I'm always traveling in formation with another Yak either cross country or airshow. Our ASI's are the same, it's the Dynon that's wrong....Also the compass (Dynon) has always been good, now it reads (depending if I'm north or south bound) +/- 0 to 10 degrees in error.

Anybody seen this or have an explanation?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Sometimes, when we test against a water manometer or a known good electronic pressure measuring device for accuracy, we find that the EFIS is off by just a couple of knots in one direction and and mechanical ASI by a couple in the other. If you have the same ASI in both aircraft, they could have some position error of about the same amount. I don't mean to offer this as an excuse - just a potential explanation for the differing readings that may not be the fault of either the EFIS or the ASIs

In any case, the change in the airspeed performance, assuming that nothing has changed in your pitot/static setup, may indicate a problem with your EFIS. Give us a call at 425-402-0433 for some technical support. We may need to have the unit back for a look under warranty.


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
Thank you,i'll do that.

Will you guys have a group at Arlington? If so, I'll drop by
