Ammeter shunt


New Member
Dec 8, 2006

i am installing a Flightdek D180 and want to use it for monitoring battery current according to scheme A. Battery is in the rear with the (unfused) fat wires (4AWG) about 12 feet long, giving sufficient resistance.
I intend to save the shunt resistor and take the positive wire itself for shunt. For that purpose I connect the Flightdek wires intended for current measuring to the ends of the power cable at the battery and the firewall.
I will have to use a voltage divider pot for calibration, say 1kOhm. I consider this a nice idea to save weight in a 700pound 120kn+ fourseater   ;D, which should not impair reliability considerations.
Any objectives?
Obviously that power cable feeds the starter too, resulting in a momentary overload of the D180 inputs; can that be tolerated (Rotax 912)?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This obviously isn't a directly supported setup, but we'll try to help out:

The input needs to be 1mv / A. It's differential, but it needs to have a common mode that is above 6V. It has a 33K resistance to ground on each input channel.

You won't hurt it by putting a large differential into it, but it will peg out at +/- 99A.