Attitude Indeterminate



My EFIS-D10A has started going Attitude Indeterminate on power up and goes to its grey & black condition after a short period. I am in the process of final assembly and recently added the EDC unit w/o OAT probe at this point. All worked following the installation and the unit powered up fine.  I hadn't powered it up since early December. Yesterday I powered up to do a radio check following some mic/phone jack work and the unit would not boot without going Attitude Indeterminate (it spins as if the unit is rotating).


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Mike,

If the horizon is spinning at rest, the unit will need to come back for warranty repair. If this is the case, give us a call at 425-402-0553 so that we can issue an RMA.

Note that you would also get the "attitude indeterminate" warning if the airspeed is non-zero when the unit is powered up. This could happen on the bench if the pitot port was pressurized or if the static port has suction on it. However, in this case the attitude indeterminate message would clear itself out after a couple of seconds as the EFIS re-orients itself.