Auto dim problem


Jul 26, 2007
Grand Junction Colorado
I have an HS-34 and D-100 in my RV-8A. 5.1.1 is running in both boxes and everything has been working properly. For the first time in many months I was flying at night and noticed that the auto dim feature dims the D-100 screen and HS-34 as it should, but after a minute or so the process starts all over again with both units instantly getting bright and then gradually dimming down. It continues this way for as long as I am in the air. This even happens when I cover the light sensor on the HS-34 with my finger, thus preventing it from sensing any ambient light. I have not timed the process but it seems that it repeats about every minute. Nothing else is presenting any problems. When I disable auto dim and set a fixed screen brightness, it holds that setting.

Any idea as to the cause?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The technical answer is that there's some light leakage going on between the LEDs and the sensor inside the unit. The non-technical answer is that we'll need to have it here to fix it (just a reminder that our products are not field-servicable). Call us at 425-402-0433 or email support at dynonavionics dot com to set up an RMA.