Autopilot behavior


Oct 26, 2008
dallas tx
When arming the autopilot on the ground prior to takeoff. I set desired altitude and press alt hold, set heading bug and press heading button. After takeoff press AP button to activate autopilot. Climbs to altitude and levels off as advertised. The problem is that the other axis goes to roll hold instead of heading. Is this right? When taking off in IFR you really need heading. Can this be user changed.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Although, if you're engaging pretty immediately after takeoff, note that the autopilot will hold roll and your current VS, which is basically a maintainance of your current flight profile, which is often the thing you do want to do with the AP on initial climbout. Then, once you get your heading call from ATC, you can then switch to heading mode. I admit that the use cases we envision aren't always the way that you all use the product, but the paradigm here was that when you initially engage the AP, the current flight profile of the aircraft should be maintained. There are other more technical reasons that we don't maintain flight director guidance through the takeoff roll too. But you've given us something to think about (and we will).


I love flying!
Oct 28, 2013
But you've given us something to think about (and we will).

The current behavior (need to change the mode to heading manually after engagement) is correct, please do not change it!

The way to control the autopilot through nested menu is very hostile. I have flown thousands of hours in heavy IFR conditions, and I must say that SkyView built-in autopilot requires the greatest concentration of all autopilots I've ever flown. Pilot workload is already uncomfortably high. Change the philosophy of control! That would be no small step, but a giant leap ahead.


Jul 25, 2010
I'm not sure I understand jabb's comment about don't change it followed by change the philosophy etc. My experience when departing IFR is you get a heading almost immediately. I too would like the option to have it set to heading from the start.


Oct 26, 2008
dallas tx
As in my past post's, most of the autopilots shortcomings could be addresed by a dedicated autopilot control panel


I love flying!
Oct 28, 2013
I'm not sure I understand jabb's comment about don't change it followed by change the philosophy etc. 

I apologize for my English. Squeezing a lot of buttons to achieve a simple task, it is what I criticize. I don't like 'sub menu' for pitch and roll adjustment, etc. Dynon should change menu / submenu system. I am looking for simple and proper button assignment, that is all.

What I do not want is to automatically turn on HDG (or any other) mode, which is what You are asking for. I want to set self, what autopilot will do. On most departures, the pilot is requested 'continue on RWY heading to ... altitude and then ....'. It doesn't mean 'set HDG on RWY direction'! Think about the difference ...


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
I have flown thousands of hours in heavy IFR conditions, and I must say that SkyView built-in autopilot requires the greatest concentration of all autopilots I've ever flown. Pilot workload is already uncomfortably high.

I guess it is all what you're familiar and comfortable with.  While I would like the choice of what mode to be in after releasing the CWS button, I don’t believe an IFR departure is an overly tasking event in the Skyview.  Prior to departure, I can have my heading and altitude preselected and already have the A/P menu at the bottom of the SV screen.  Once the AP is engaged, I have two buttons to press – roll, and whatever mode I desire – done. 


I love flying!
Oct 28, 2013
Once the AP is engaged, I have two buttons to press – roll, and whatever mode I desire – done

Try to imagine the scenario after take-off. 'turn direct XYZ climb to 6000 feet with maximum possible rate of climb ...'. just try it and you'll find, that you have to press quite a few buttons. Dedicated control panel or change the way how to control SkyView would be certainly benefit for everyone. Less experienced pilot, bigger benefit.

It has nothing to do with the IFR or the fact that SkyView is only experimental hw


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
It has nothing to do with the IFR

Well I only mentioned it in regard to IFR because you related using the Dynon AP to having "flown thousands of hours in heavy IFR conditions". 

I agree that an AP control panel would be nice.  I also remember all the uproar when the news came out that the upgraded Dynon AP (VNAV) was rumored to only be available using an external control panel.  I'm not being argumentative, I understand what you're saying.  I guess I just don't see it being the difficulty you do (and I don't have thousands of hours in true IMC, BTW).

I guess my take, is that there are times that it is all around just better to fly the plane - such as in the example you use.  If George was already flying and I received this instruction to be executed RIGHT NOW, I would use my one button method.  I would hit the AP disconnect on my control stick and turn to the instructed heading while initiating best climb.  At the very least I would then (probably simultaneously) put 6000 in the altitude bug as a reminder.  Then, if desired, I engage the AP on the control stick.  The AP is now in roll hold (I make sure I'm on heading and wings are level when I engage) and VS mode which, because I set the altitude bug to 6000 during the turn, will level off at my instructed altitude....


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
While I'm not IFR rated I like the new AP functions. I tried both Simplified and Expert modes and prefer the Expert mode. Once off the ground and established in a climb I normally engage the AP ASAP. Unless I'm cleared left "turn as soon as able" and wrap myself around the control tower :) the AP holds runway heading and the climb rate. In about 100% of the time this is the attitude I want and gives me time to accommodate any further instructions.

If the AP engaged in HDG mode I would want to make sure the HDG was set beforehand or I may find myself wrapping around the tower anyhow ;D.

Despite all the rhetoric, being able to select the initial AP engage settings (level or HDG) would allow finer control of the AP for the user. I don't think I would install a separate AP control panel even if there was one available.