Back seat EFIS?


New Member
Nov 30, 2006
I searched the archives to see if this has been addressed and came up dry.  Since I have a tandem-seat plane (RV-8), my instrument panel is pretty much obscured from the back seat.  The flight info on my D-100 and D-120 are useless from back there, so getting a biennial flight review would necessitate renting another plane.  If I had rear rudder pedals (which I can add easily enough) and an EFIS back there, the problem would be solved.

Is there any way to splice in another monitor for the back seat that would mirror what is being shown on the D-100, or is the system chock-full with both units already tied to one another?


Jul 26, 2007
Grand Junction Colorado
FWIW, my -8A has no instruments in the back seat and no rear seat rudder pedals but that has never prevented me from getting a BFR in the plane.  An IPC, yes, but not a BFR.  You should find that out before making an effort to install something that may have little use.

Bill Marvel


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This has been suggested a few times over the years, and while it is a good idea, it's not one we know how to do affordably. The system does not put out anything like VGA or any video signal, so the second screen needs to have a whole processor in it. Basically, you end up back at a D120, since the cost and size of that product is not the fact that it is an EMS, but the fact that it exists at all, and the volume on this product would likely be an order of magnitude lower, so even if we did take some cost out, the cost would go right back up for us to cover our development costs.

Comments like this in the past are why we worked so hard to make the new SkyView products as thin as possible though.

Past threads:


New Member
Nov 30, 2006
Bill Marvel -- now, THERE'S a name I haven't heard in awhile! Good to hear from you.

I just thought that there might be an easy way to do it, and with the economy of monitors/TVs/gizmos these days, it was worth asking.

I have an instructor who said that he could see my EFIS well enough from the back seat, and hesitated only a little about no rudder pedals, but I wouldn't be averse to installing the rudder pedals and a way to view the EFIS from the back if it could be done easily and economically. However, the answer is no. Not the first time I've had an idea that didn't fly ... so to speak. :-[

Now, if we can just get Dynon to make a functional HUD ...

Thanks for the replies, Bill and Dynon Support. Guess I'll put this idea to rest and move on.

Again, Bill, good to hear from you. Been a long time ...


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
Bill Marvel:  not having flight instrumetns is not your only issue.  Without rudder pedals in the back, you can not legally recieve ANY form of instruction required by 14 CFR.  From part 91:

§ 91.109   Flight instruction; Simulated instrument flight and certain flight tests.

(a) No person may operate a civil aircraft (except a manned free balloon) that is being used for flight instruction unless that aircraft has fully functioning dual controls. However, instrument flight instruction may be given in a single-engine airplane equipped with a single, functioning throwover control wheel in place of fixed, dual controls of the elevator and ailerons when—

(1) The instructor has determined that the flight can be conducted safely; and

(2) The person manipulating the controls has at least a private pilot certificate with appropriate category and class ratings.

Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger.

Doug Dodson
Glasair II-S FT