Backup instrumentation?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
Dynon - for full IFR backup instrumentation, I'm looking at the D6 or D10A as a backup display to my Skyview in case of screen failure (or primary ADAHRS failure) in IMC. A complete standalone screen is valuable as-is with it's own magnetometer and ADAHRS just as a visual device, but can I also connect it to the Skyview system and ARINC-429 to display a glideslope feed from my 430W, and couple the autopilot to it, in the event of a Skyview failure?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The EFIS-D6 is not suitable for this application - it does not include DSAB for connecting to the HS34 (see below) or servos for AP.

The EFIS-D10A may be suitable for this for at least displaying glideslope in parallel with SkyView, but doing so will require the installation of an HS34 to be able to interface, via ARINC-429, to the 430W. If you want to pursue this option, contact Dynon Avionics Technical Support - support AT dynonavionics DOT com for detailed assistance.

The servos cannot be shared / switched between the EFIS-D10A and SkyView - it's an either / or choice. When a servo is newly manufactured, it can be used with either our older EFIS units - EFIS-D10A, EFIS-D100, and FlightDEK-D180, OR SkyView. After a servo is configured to a SkyView system, the firmware in the servo is, from then on, incompatible with the older EFIS units.

The most common implementation of this idea that we've seen, and what we recommend, is to install the EFIS-D6 as a backup, standalone EFIS display with an IFR SkyView system, with no connection to other devices such as the 430W (perhaps with the exception of a serial output of aviation GPS data to the EFIS-D6).

If you equip your panel with dual SkyView displays, if one display were to fail, SkyView will fail down to the other display. SkyView displays don't "just do one thing" such as PFD, or MAP, or EMS - they do all three simultaneously, and you can choose to DISPLAY one, two, or all three of these screens.

Dynon - for full IFR backup instrumentation, I'm looking at the D6 or D10A as a backup display to my Skyview in case of screen failure (or primary ADAHRS failure) in IMC. A complete standalone screen is valuable as-is with it's own magnetometer and ADAHRS just as a visual device, but can I also connect it to the Skyview system and ARINC-429 to display a glideslope feed from my 430W, and couple the autopilot to it, in the event of a Skyview failure?


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
The most common implementation of this idea that we've seen, and what we recommend, is to install the EFIS-D6 as a backup, standalone EFIS display with an IFR SkyView system, with no connection to other devices such as the 430W (perhaps with the exception of a serial output of aviation GPS data to the EFIS-D6).

This is the exact setup I have and highly recommend it.
