

New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Sorry for sounding like a dill, how do we make a backup of our brand new D100 and D120 program? It came installed in the plane and we would like to install the new update with the DG. We've got the RSB232 cable and found the connection on the back of the Dyonon panel. The update software is downloaded onto the laptop, just the back up to go. How do we make a back up? We are new to forums, too, so hopefully this arrives at the right place. If not, please advise! Thanks


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
First, run the support program installer on the laptop if you haven't already done so. Next, load up the support program, and you'll notice two "drop-down menus". The top one is used to select the product you currently have connected to your computer. The bottom one is used to choose the function you wish to perform. One of the functions is "create firmware backup". Use this if you would like to create a firmware backup.

Additionally, any time you attempt to load any firmware into a product, the support program asks you if you would like to create a firmware backup before it changes what it already on the product. We highly recommend that you make a backup before any firmware upload to a unit.