Bad EGT Probes?


New Member
Feb 11, 2008
Has there been much of an issue with the Dynon supplied EGT probes? I replaced one on my Jabiru 3300 when almost new and now have 2 more that are reading high, especially at/near WOT (by 100 - 150 degrees F). In each case I have switched with other probes and the high readings have followed the probes. Thx.



New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I haven't seen that or heard of that from others - they are standard probes, I'm sure they get them from "the usual vendors." But, it is certainly possible.

What I HAVE seen and seen reported by others are cases where a difficult to detect imperfection in your connections will cause erroneous readings, often at the D-Sub connector.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's really hard, if not impossible for a thermocouple to read wrong. It's based on a very simple joint between two metals, and basically if they are touching at all, it works.

If it's open or a dead short, you'll get wrong values, but they won't change with heat. I assume yours do vary?

The failure we have seen is the tip of the probe being eroded, exposing the actual thermocopule junction inside. This causes higher readings in many cases. The failure should be obvious with the probe removed.

If the two probes reading high look like they are in OK physical shape, check all your wiring. Also, are you verifying that it doesn't follow a specific channel on the EMS, not a specific thermocouple?


New Member
Feb 11, 2008
Sorry, I was thinking the replies would be sent to my regular e-mail so I forgot to check back here. The situation is unchanged. #5 and especially #6 readings are high but only at the upper end of the range. In boiling water they are all fine, the same as the others. At cruise rpm they are only about 40-60 degrees higher than the other four. But at WOT they are 100-170 degrees higher. As stated in my previous post, when I switch these 2 probes with #3 and #4, the higher readings follow the probes. So I know the higher readings are not real. But I would of course feel better not seeing these EGT's hit the alarm set points!
