Have just received the D10A for installation in a Pulsar in New Zealand and it seems to work well on the bench before installing in the panel. However I noticed that applying air pressure to the pitot inlet that as the airspeed goes up the heading tape moves by 20 - 30 degrees. Is this expected and one of the reasons for needing to do a calibration in flight?
Also noticed that the horizon moves but see in a previous post that this is expected.
Otherwise the D10A looks superb and I can't wait to get it into the air where it belongs!
Have just received the D10A for installation in a Pulsar in New Zealand and it seems to work well on the bench before installing in the panel. However I noticed that applying air pressure to the pitot inlet that as the airspeed goes up the heading tape moves by 20 - 30 degrees. Is this expected and one of the reasons for needing to do a calibration in flight?
Also noticed that the horizon moves but see in a previous post that this is expected.
Otherwise the D10A looks superb and I can't wait to get it into the air where it belongs!