Buttons inop


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
200 hours on a rv12 with sky view. The #1 button or the back button started not working. In other words once you entered a sub menu you could not back out so,you were stuck. Eventually the unit would just reboot on its own. So it was like the #1 button was shorted intermentally. The button felt OK, sounded ok just inop.
Reloaded all the data bases, firmware, and anything else on the list.  No help. Called Dynon, the tech thought maybe there was a bug or debris under the button. Asked if we could try cleaning out the button. Sure. So pulled can off rear of the unit, the buttons can be clearly seen. All looked normal, saw no debris. Blew out area with low air pressure. Reinstalled ribbon cables and power leads.   Presto all is working.