Can the D100's HSI display 3 Nav sources?


Jun 15, 2012
I have read the users manual, but I am still unclear. 
I have a D100 with DSAB to D120, an HS 34.  I have one SL-30, Garmin 155XL and a Avmap Geopilot II Plus. 
I have 3 questions:
1)with that arrangement of radios can I connect all 3 units to the HSI, and
2) in wiring the HSI, can I use the D100 serial wire for the SL-30(which would display both active and standby needles), the remaining wire on the HS34 for the Avmap (NMEA-0183), and the ARINC connection on the HS34 for the 155XL?....or
3) Do I only get to connect 2 items to the HS34 in total (ie the SL-30 and the Avmap or the 155XL)


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Re: Can the D100's HSI display 3 Nav sources at once?

1) It will be able to cycle through both radios and the GPS on the main CDI/HSI needle. There will also be selectable bearings to the GPS waypoint, and if we're talking about SL30 or GTR nav/coms, you'll have selectable bearings to each of their (when valid) active VORs and standby VORs.

2) At any one time, you can be viewing one thing on the CDI, and any two of the above bearings.

What are your NAV/COMs though?


Jun 15, 2012
Thanks for the response.  My main concern with my post is that I don't understand how many wires are available for Nav inputs between the D100 and the HS34.  To your question, I have the following things in my panel: 
I have an SL-30 which will act as COM#1 and a Microair Radio as COM#2. 
NAV#1 is the SL-30 and NAV#2 is the Garmin 155XL IFR GPS.
I also have a VFR Avmap Geopilot II plus.

Basically, how many possible nav sources can the HSI (when using an HS34) can be wired to it at one time and what format do they have to output to be all hooked up at once?

For example, I believe it can connect up to 4 nav sources through:
1-the D100 wire
2-the remaining HS34 wire
3-HS34 again with ARINC, only if its ARINC, otherwise HS34 is limited to 2 total connections
3 (or 4 if ARINC used above)-analog input wire for any other nav source, although unsupported by Dynon

Is that right?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
The HS34 can concurrently connect to two ARINC channels (often the NAV and GPS sides of a GNS or GTN combo unit) and two serial devices concurrently at the same time. So you'll have the SL30 NAV via serial (pin 1 on the HS34 male connector), the AVmap GPS via serial (pin 2 on the HS34 male connector), and the 155XL via ARINC (our pins 23/24 for RX/TX on the HS34 female connector). So you're good.

For more details, grab the latest version of the D180 installation guide from