Good luck - I hope you make progress, and would love to hear details.
That said.... I spent a long time pushing this and the answer from Dynon didn't change, just became more firm. They have interpreted the text of the original bilateral as being gospel, and no FAA or TC guidance letters issued since then, or industry practice to the contrary seems to be accepted. Maybe that's changed in the last 6 months... But that was straight from the certification person in charge of international agreements.
As for labeling the STC with installer name- my understanding is that Dynon wants to issue each piece of equipment with an 8130 calling out the specific aircraft registration the installation is for. And under the original terms of the bilateral, a declaration of conformity is required. (though that requirement removed by the FAA in a subsequent letter, it's still in the text of the agreement). As such, they flat out refused, and gave a hard NO for C-reg airplanes, regardless of who installs it. As I mentioned, Garmin and others have gone with the guidance in the letter, and their 8130s reflect this.
If you're interested, here's the FAA letter:
On June 24, 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a policy deviation memorandum for FAA Order 8130.21H, Procedures for Completion and Use of the Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag, Change I. The memorandum provides a deviation to allow an authorized individual to issue the FAA Form 8130-3, Authorized Release Certificate (tag) for the purpose of exporting an engine, propeller, or article without the use of the statement, "Export airworthiness approval - This engine/propeller/article meets the special requirements of(enter country)," in block 12.
Requiring this statement needlessly complicates issuance of the tag and hinders the global shipment of engines, propellers, and articles, especially when they are exported multiple times. However, an exporter must continue to include any other statements required by FAA Order 8130.2 I and the applicable bilateral agreements. For example, "This PMA part is not a critical component."
Authorized individuals have been directed to issue a tag for export as follows: for Articles
• Do not use the statement, "Export airworthiness approval -This article meets the special requirements of(enter country),"' from paragraph 4-5 L(9), in block 12.
• Do not use the statements in Appendix A, Figures A-14, A-15, A-16, and A-17 ("Export airworthiness approval - This article meets the special requirements of (enter country)" and "EXPORT."
• Do not use the statement, "Export airworthiness approval. No special import requirements for [enter name of country or jurisdiction] stated at time of issuance," from paragraph 4-5 L(l 0), in block 12.
• An exporter must continue to include any other statements required by FAA Order 8130.21 and the applicable bilateral agreements.
Again, on STC applications, Garmin and Aspen generally just exclude FAA types from their STC applications for Canada:
G500 (not TXi) only has non FAA types listed, and many are legally installed on FAA types in Canada
Aspen Evolution (TSO) TC STC only has non-FAA types on it – interestingly, their website spells out automatic acceptance by TC of FAA
The TC Staff Instruction on accepting foreign STCs is 513-003, and a copy is posted here:
Appendix B, information note b is the relevant bit.