Changing Altimeter setting on Skyview


Aug 4, 2008
It may just be me but I have a problem with inadvertently changing the baro setting by accident, thinking I am changing the heading or altitude bug when the same joystick is in baro mode.   Yes I know this is an operator error not a systme error, but I would like Skyview to help me out.  When ATC gives a new altimeter setting, a positive action should be required by skyview to enter the baro change.  I see no productive reason for the joystick to remain active in baro mode after the adjustment is completed.  I would like for the joystick to automatically go dead or switch to previous mode such as heading 5 seconds after the baro change has been completed.  One option would be to have and require a hot key set the joystick to baro (instead of current method) for a fix amount of time or until the setting is completed then switch back to the previous mode whatever it was.  It would be more intuitive for me.  I think it also can be a safety issue.  If ATC gives you a new altimeter setting while in terminal area, work load is high, and you and leave it in baro mode, you could inadvertently reset the altimeter to read much higher than actual at a critical time creating an extremely unsafe condition.  That one joystick controlling  so many modes can be difficult in a high workload situation.  It needs to be harder to change the altimeter setting.  

Anyone else have this problem or have thoughts on this issue?

Dynon, do you see any merit to my concerns?


New Member
Mar 13, 2011
I did dedicate left joystick always to barometer. Right joystick I use for all other settings.


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't the right knob default to map ranging if the map is displayed. If this is the case you are stuck with the left knob for control of everything else. I personally would like to see an additional panel similar to a combined HS34/AP76. This would be great for AP control and general bug setting tasks. I know the AP76 was a much wanted product that was never released :(, so how about something similar but for connection to the Skyview network and with provision for upcoming AP vertical NAV/steering.


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
Warrenton, Virginia
Where the map is on the screen impacts which knob is set to map range. If it is on the right side, the right knob, left side; left knob.

I'm working on a "standard" setup for the 2 screens I have up front and since the map range knob is locked with the map, I'm down to 3 knobs. I use Baro on the other side of the lower screen so I can change that setting when given the update by ATC. The other two standard are Alt bug on the right side of the PFD and Heading on the left.

I would like a dedicated box like the AP74 for some functions in the SV. It would make things easier in high stress, high turb flying. But I'm not sure I like the idea of always having to re-set the baro knob to put in the new pressure, and then it goes away. Then again if I only had one screen and the map took a knob away, I might feel different.


New Member
Feb 24, 2010
I agree about the altimeter setting reverting to heading or altitude after 5 seconds. I have started writing down the Altimeter setting so every time I accidentally adjust it, I know for sure where it was.

also when on turbulent flights, I find it is difficult to make any adjustment to any setting with the knobs without accidentally selecting a different setting above or below the unit I am trying to adjust. Perhaps a 1/4 second delay on the up/down joystick function while in flight would help to discriminate between an accidental selection and an intentional one.


New Member
Dec 8, 2009
a really neat feature with XM weather... you can set a display field in a X96 to automatically update with the local pressure based on METAR data collected from the XM source. very handy when flying cross-country.


Aug 4, 2008
Good Morning Dynon,
I would like to hear from you. Do you see any merit in making the altimeter adjustment less prone to accidental adjustment.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Well, do know that we think about UI long and hard. We fight a lot among ourselves here on what The Right Thing to do is, and we're always trying to consider the broadest cross-section of customers when we're considering flexibility against simplicity against consistency against a bunch of other qualities.

We're definitely taking note of this discussion. While we don't have any current plans to change the core knob behavior, we'll pay more attention to the way people use them, for sure.

To one of your core statement, though, arpb: "I see no productive reason for the joystick to remain active in baro mode after the adjustment is completed.": Many customers use the knob more or less EXCLUSIVELY for adjusting the baro setting, and you typically do this multiple times per flight. Before you should "Autopilot!", know that those same customers also use heading/nav/alt hold primarily, and don't fiddle with the bugs too much. So for a lot of folks, this is the ONLY knob setting they care about. So my point is, yes your point has meric, but there are lots of scenarios that we have to consider when making these UI choices, and we try to find the best middle ground.


New Member
Nov 6, 2010
Personally, I like the way the knobs are set up now.  

The way I use them is that I never leave any of the knobs defaulted to BARO.  When I do need to change the altimeter, I push UP on the knob to bring up the menu then select BARO.  I then adjust the altimeter without exiting the selection menu.  After it is adjusted, I then select another menu item, HDG for instance, and exit the menu.  

This prevents me from accidentally changing the altimeter for the few times that I need to adjust it.  

Hope this helps.



New Member
Nov 1, 2009
Personally, I like the way the knobs are set up now.


Marc: I agree, however, if I were to change anything, it would be the sensitivity of both the joystick function and the knobs...especially the knobs. You have to be very careful in turbulence in order to keep from making a push and/or twist you don't intend...especially when trying to make a VS, altitude, and/or heading bug change when using autopilot. You must pay really close attention to what you're doing and carefully verify what you've done. (Pretty normal tactics with any system.) I only use the lower left knob to make these adjustments and leave the right hand one on Baro. (I think Dynon made a good choice here)). I'm running a single SV 1000/GNS 430 and a D10A for backup in an RV-8A.


Aug 4, 2008
To Close out my thoughts on the issue, it appears that this is not the problem for others that it is for me. However I would like to make one more appeal for Dynon to consider.

Have a setup item for Baro Adjustment: Normal or Auto Off. Normal would be the current interface and would be default. Auto Off would be, the baro knob disables or reverts to another setting such as heading after 5 seconds of inactivity. Also to activate the baro setting in this Auto Off, you have to hold the knob in the up position for 2 seconds. This simplifies the differences, offers the no change for most users and added safety for IFR / Autopilot users.


Jul 13, 2010
To help stabilize my hand in turbulence, I may use some slightly different hardware.  Nicely, the mounting holes for the 10" display are 3" ctr-ctr, so use the screws from the back and into a 3" cabinet pull like this: