Compass Calibration Problems


I love flying!
Dec 14, 2011
Hi Dynon Gurus - I have been trying to calibrate the compass in my Skyview. Using the relevant menu, I get to the compass calibration, and the system prompts me to swing the plane into a cardinal direction (N S W or E). Each time I swing the plane, about 30 degrees before I reach the prompted direction - the system "jumps" to a new direction. So - I end up swinging and swinging endlessly. Only once I managed somehow to get 3 (out of 4) cardinal directions calibrated, but than I had no "Save" button on my screen. Any attempt to press any button erased the already calibrated positions. What am I doing wrong? (BTW - my ADAHARS is within the aircraft body surrounded by aluminum - does that have any bearing on the calibration problem?). Also - the GPS position, magnetic inclination and deviation are correct. H E L P !!!


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Yeah, you have to get to all 4, else it won't work. This can happen if there's a serious magnetic field near the EDC. Any power cables, ferrous metal (the aluminium is fine) nearby? Any chance that your calibration location isn't ideal (near a hangar, near a known magnetic disturbance, etc).

Over the very short term, when you turn the airplane initially, you'll see the heading react to the ADAHRS sensors. Then, over a few more seconds, it will settle out onto the true measured magnetic heading. So after you turn your airplane, do you give it a few seconds to settle down?

Also, what software version? This doesn't sound like the issue, but 5.1 has an update to the mag calibration process.

All that said, it's not impossible that it's the ADAHRS itself, too.