Compass Heading Lockup?


New Member
Dec 15, 2006
Has anyone encountered the compass heading freezing or locking up inflight?

My D-10A has been installed for almost a year. I encountered a compass error of about 30 degrees six months ago that slowly resolved itself as the flight progressed. Then a few days ago I got a freezing of the heading while turning, the reading just kind of wiggled but didn't change. Both occured during the first 5 or 10 minutes of flight.

Any ideas are appreciated.

Greg in Honolulu


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
That's weird. If you have the EDC-D10A remote compass, it might be intermittent.

Further, if you're running the latest firmware, you should get a "remote compass not detected" message when this happens. But if you're not running the latest firmware, you can see some strange jittery effects as the unit transitions back and forth between the remote compass and the internal sensors.

The latest firmware also improves the integrity of the remote compass communications as well.