Compatability with old harnesses, OAT probe, etc.


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
I have already purchased the harnesses, tray, engine sensors/probes, and OAT probe for a D180. The aircraft should be flying by the end of 2009, would you recommend to continue with the D180 or switch to the new generation now? I am almost ready to cut the panel. Thanks.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: Compatability with old harnesses, OAT probe, e

No matter what system you decide to go with, we recommend you wait to cut your panel until the very last moment, preferably as one of the last things you do to your plane. Technology is always changing, both for us and the competition, and there's no reason to lock yourself in 12-24 months before you have to. We still get calls every month that say "I just got my EFIS-D10 installed..." We haven't sold a D10 since April 2004, and while we appreciate them buying when we were a newer company, we truly wish those customers had waited to buy.

That being said, if you are not just looking for the lowest cost option possible, the new system should be available by then, and will do a lot of things the current generation does not. But we won't have final mechanical dimensions for a few months and we won't be able to tell you how to wire it until it ships.