Connecting my GPS to the HS34


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
As far as I can tell, I have made the correct physical connections linking my Garmin 495 to the HS34.
The output from the Garmin matches the input data type to the HS34.
The Garmin is working but...
on the HSI screen of the D100 I get "Waiting for GPS fix"

Any ideas?
Paul Riglar


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
What format are you using on the output of your Garmin? NMEA or Aviation? Have a look at this page to verify that everything about your setup looks good:

I note that the 495 isn't on that table of confirmed working GPSes. That doesn't mean it won't work, just that we haven't had confirmed working tests with one.


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
As far as I can tell the 495 is identical to the 496 but doesn't have the automobile database.

It is set up for NMEA at the moment. I'll have a look at the link and make sure I have got it exactly correct.

Paul Riglar


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
As far as I can tell the 495 is identical to the 496 but doesn't have the automobile database.

It is set up for NMEA at the moment. I'll have a look at the link and make sure I have got it exactly correct.

Paul Riglar

Just set mine up Saturday. Make sure the data rate is 4800; the Dynon recognized it right away once it had a satellite lock. Works like a champ once you go back and read the bold print in the instructions informing you that when they refer to MALE and FEMALE on the HS34 they are talking about the connectors on the BOX, not that you are WIRING....


Only took 4 hours including a trip to Radio Shack for new connectors to get all my male & female wires swapped, then amazingly works as designed....


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
We are connecting a Garmin 430 through an HS34 and are getting the same "waiting for GPS fix " message. Also when switched to VOR/ILS the signal is not recognised.
We will check the items listed previously here, howver is the VOR/ILS lack of signal likely to be connected?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The situation with an HS34 and a 430 is totally different- that message with a 430 hooked to an HS34 via ARINC means we are NOT getting any signal from the 430 at all.

Check all your wiring and your setups in the 430 and HS34.


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
So this is the set up:
an original D10a now intended to be used for HSI . An original EMS D10.
A new D100 and HS34. These are intended to talk to and receive info from a Garmin 430, a FlymapL and a Tru Trak autopilot.
At the moment the HSI is still giving the message "waiting for GPS" and when switched to the VOR the Green NAV letters are there with no recognition of the VOR signal.
I have checked the Garmin & Dynon HSI settings meet with your "Garmin 430/530 Wiring" document, but not yet crosschecked the wiring. Clearly before pulling out the panel, I wanted to know if there could be any other options to check...if not what are the common wiring issues to look for? I have also found your "GPS Serial Compatibility and Configuration Settings" ...are these settings applicable and if so where are they set?
Your feedback is much appreciated.


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
Additional queries: We have a Garmin GMA 340: what is the set up in the HSI for the marker beacon signals to be displayed on the HSI?
Also how do we transfer the voice alerts back to the GMA 340?
Thanks for your attention.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The serial setup would not apply at all if you have the 430 hooked to the HS34 and are using the ARINC-429 settings.

Voice alerts would go into an aux input (like a music input) in the 340, connected as described in the installation manual.

As for the marker beacons - there are 3 discreet inputs on the HS34 that can be used IF your receiver has marker beacon outputs (it may not since your receiver and panel are the same unit). There's also a capability to receive them over ARINC-429 if you have a device which transmits the beacons this way, but this probably wouldn't apply in your case since I do not believe your audio panel has an ARINC interface. Connection and configuration details are in the installation manuals.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
The serial setup would not apply at all if you have the 430 hooked to the HS34 and are using the ARINC-429 settings.

Voice alerts would go into an aux input (like a music input) in the 340, connected as described in the installation manual.

As for the marker beacons - there are 3 discreet inputs on the HS34 that can be used IF your receiver has marker beacon outputs (it may not since your receiver and panel are the same unit). There's also a capability to receive them over ARINC-429 if you have a device which transmits the beacons this way, but this probably wouldn't apply in your case since I do not believe your audio panel has an ARINC interface. Connection and configuration details are in the installation manuals.

A couple of points, if I may...

Voice alerts would go into an aux input (like a music input)

If you bring the alerts in on a music input, they will be muted or reduced in volume when the COM radio was active XMIT or RCV. The GMA 340 has a couple of auxillary inputs, along with a couple for ADF's and similar thingies. It would be better to either bring the voice alerts in on one of the auxillary inputs or on one of the switched inputs (such as ADF).

As for the marker beacons - there are 3 discreet inputs on the HS34 that can be used IF your receiver has marker beacon outputs (it may not since your receiver and panel are the same unit).

The GMA 340 makes the marker beacon output available on J1, pins 36, 37, 38.


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
Thanks for the advice Dynon & Bill.....back to the wiring by the looks of it!