Cooing fan noise


Aug 16, 2007
Reno NV
Ever since the wx turned cold here in Reno, I have noticed that the cooing fans seem to be hunting for a stable rpm with on backup battery prior to start.  I can hear them accelerating and slowing down.  After engine start I can't hear them anymore and at shutdown the fans seem normal, until today.  Prior to engine start the fans were surging and slowing and the engine start was uneventful, flew 30 min pattern ride, 5 t&g one full stop, 2 gallons, just oiling the camshaft.  On shut down, the fans or fan sounded like a tow sack full of fighting cats.  Has anyone heard of this happening to the SV-1000T before?  Dan from Reno

SOLUTION FOUND:   After talking to Mike at Dynon this morning, he suggested removing the SV-1000T to check to see if any obstructions had found their way into one of the fans, if not, the unit needed to be returned to Dynon.  I went to the airport and pulled the unit, nothing out of the ordinary found.  I wanted to see what was causing all the noise, so I turned on the master switch and Dynon, the fans were not moving but the screeching cats were still there.  I have an avionics fan to cool the center radio stack installed, and sure enough, it was the problem.  So Dynon is not at fault, just my faulty problem solving analysis.   


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
The fans will turn on and off and or accelerate/decelerate pretty routinely, similar to how laptop computers do. Without hearing what your fans sounds like, it's hard to say if there's anything wrong with them. Know that there are two there for redundancy, and even if they both fail, the heat sinks alone are good enough to keep temps cool enough. The fans are most useful in moving heat out when the airplane and everything in it has been heat-soaked in say a hot desert environment on a hot ramp. We could always take a look at your display to see if one of the fans is failing, though. Give our support team a call at 425-402-0433 if you want to look into that.