Dynon Skyview w/EMS updated with current software. Set to Rotax 912 EMS sensors. I had to add the coolant sensor manually to this setup. Using a standard 1/8 x 27 NPT temp sensor in coolant line just outside of pump. Pin number on C37 is...working on getting this.
Sorry, I figured it out. I am using Pin9 (Brn/Blu wire). On the 912 setup this pin is pitot temp. Would this have anything to do with it? Otherwise. I'll have to pick another general purpose temp pin that's available or configure one that isn't used.
OK. Back to square one. Moved sensor to new GP Pin 11. Set to coolant temp using NPT 1/8 x27. Diagnostics page reads 4.XXXX Volts and a 6.XXXX Value. ?????? How do I get the value reset. I'm still getting a 6 degree reading off the sensor when it should read about 54 degrees F. :-?. Do sensors differentiate between F and C? Grasping here.
When you say "standard" temp sensor, is it one of ours? Not all sensors that have the same fitting have the same characterization, and if you're using an off-the-shelf sensor, it's resistance/voltage range can be dramatically different.
The sensor is standard 1/8 NPT from Aircraft Spruce for fluid temps from 100-350 degrees F. This is what I need for Coolant Temp range. If Dynon temp sensor for Continental O-200 oil temp will read up to 248 degrees F, that would work. Otherwise, is there a way to adjust sensor data file to read the voltage correctly from the sensor I have?
There's no such thing as a "standard" sensor. There are ones that are really commonly used with steam gauges, but they're usually not ones that are supported by our products. What part number did you buy from Spruce? It sounds like you probably have a sensor that's intended for a stand-alone unit. There isn't an easy way to do the adjustments you're after. Your best bet is to get a Dynon temperature sensor. You want our p/n 100409-000.