cord to put downloads into D100


New Member
Nov 25, 2007
My D100 was installed in my new Allegro 2007 light sport plane in the Chex Republic. I didnt get a cord to download with. Is this something I can purchase at Radio Shack or do I need to order one from Dynon?


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
If your plane is new I'd be talking to the dealer about it...You should have recieved the cable that comes with the Dynon. I beleive it's just a serial 9 pin to USB converter cable but not positive. The great guys at Dynon will answer that shortly I'm sure!

Roger H


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There are a variety of ways to wire up the serial port for the EFIS, and we can't say how your manufacturer did it.

The best thing to do is look around and under the panel for a 9 pin D-sub connector. If you find one, and it's female, chances are good it's for the EFIS. If you don't find one, they may have used a different connector, or may not have even installed one.

If you have the 9-pin, you then need to hook this to your laptop. If your laptop has a serial port on it, you need a serial extension cable to run to your laptop. If you don't have a serial port on the laptop, you need a USB to serial converter. You should be able to find both of these at any computer store or radio shack.

Ultimately, it was totally up to your aircraft manufacturer as to how they installed the EFIS, so you really should contact them.