My short review of Skyview Installation and Operating Manual s doesn't show that Skyview has a way to deal with transition altitudes. It is as if in North America when we reached FL180 (18,000') the altimeter automatically reset to 29.92, standard barometric pressure. instead of nearest baro reading. Other countries have different transition altitudes. It would have to be able to handle extremely high or low barometric pressure which changes the transition altitude rules.
If an alarm is desired, it might be better to have Skyview automatically transition from QNH to QNE at an altitude set by each pilot. Would have to cockpit adjustable as in Europe transition altitude changes from country to country. In North America we'd set it at 18,000 and leave it alone.
QNH is baro setting adjusted to sea level - the reading we set as obtained from our local baro source such as METAR
QNE, standard pressure which is 29.92 or 1013.
To make things worse, there is QFE, field elevation, which some glider pilots used.
Maybe a simple alarm would be easier, after all, come to think of it.