D-100 Battery Backup not working properly?


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
I installed the D100 with the battery backup and have had it working great until the other day.  Everytime I would switch off the avionics and master, the D100 would ask me to acknowledge the battery backup within 30 seconds and then it would shut down if not acknowledged.  I started up my engine for the first time last week and now when the master switch is turned off, the D100 shuts down with it immediately and does not give the standard 30 seconds to shutdown.  I also have noticed in the past month or so that occasionally it will come on to the startup screen for a second or two when all switches and power is off so I can only assume it was getting power from the backup battery when this happens.

I have been keeping the main aircraft battery charged (using a battery tender) and do have the keep alive setup wired.  I have not uploaded software 4.0 or 4.2 could this be causing the problem?  I put my multi-meter across the contacts and got really odd numbers (around .5 to 1V) for voltage at the backup battery.    Any ideas?  Keep in mind it was working great before I fired up the engine.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
4.0 did improve the battery charging reliability / performance significantly, so that should be your first troubleshooting step.