D-100 Bright Screen?


I love flying!
Oct 10, 2015
I am in possession of a D-100 EFIS I am checking out and considering purchasing. The seller is the second owner, but never installed or powered it up. He thinks it has the Bright Screen option, but I would like to verify.

The unit must have been sitting for a while because when I navigated to the version menu it was 01.02. Obviously none of the subsequent upgrade features of later versions are available until I figure out how to update. I know how to navigate to the DIM menu and use the BRITR/DARKR buttons, but that doesn't tell me if I have the Bright Screen.

I see in the latest version of the user guide that there is a toggle related to Bright Screen in the DSAB menu (which I don't have until I update).

My questions are:
Is there a way for me to verify the Bright Screen option on the unit as it stands?
Does Dynon have a list of serial numbers for D-100 units they built with the Bright Screen option?

David Lewis


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Look on the back or the side for the product label. If the P/N is 100488-000, it's a non-bright screen. If the P/N is 100488-001, it is a bright screen. A non-bright screen can be upgraded to bright screen for $400 at the factory, and at the same time we can update the firmware. A unit that old (v1.02 was the version the EFIS-D100 first shipped with in 2005) will likely need some maintenance as the sensors can degrade out of tolerance - a repair / recalibration is $250 in addition to the bright screen upgrade fee. Contact Dynon Avionics Technical Support for details - 425-402-0433 or support AT dynonavionics DOT com.

If you want to just update the firmware yourself, this document will help you get started. You'll of course need to power it up and communicate with it - contact Dynon Avionics Sales for a "EFIS harness" and a "USB to Serial Converter".

I am in possession of a D-100 EFIS I am checking out and considering purchasing. The seller is the second owner, but never installed or powered it up. He thinks it has the Bright Screen option, but I would like to verify.

The unit must have been sitting for a while because when I navigated to the version menu it was 01.02. Obviously none of the subsequent upgrade features of later versions are available until I figure out how to update. I know how to navigate to the DIM menu and use the BRITR/DARKR buttons, but that doesn't tell me if I have the Bright Screen.

I see in the latest version of the user guide that there is a toggle related to Bright Screen in the DSAB menu (which I don't have until I update).

My questions are:
Is there a way for me to verify the Bright Screen option on the unit as it stands?
Does Dynon have a list of serial numbers for D-100 units they built with the Bright Screen option?

David Lewis


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
To be clear: version 1.02 firmware was the very first release of the D100, in 9/12/2005. We didn't release the bright screen until 1/9/2007, which would have version 1.08 at least. This unit is not a bright screen.