D-10A w/ GNS530W, SL30, HS34 and a mech CDI?


I love flying!
Jan 9, 2013
I've searched my brains out but can't find exactly what I need answered. I'm installing a D-10A & HS34 to be used primarily as an EHSI (I've already got a Gemini PFD) to replace my vacuum DG. I have a Garmin 530W w/ analog connections to a G-106A CDI. I also have an SL-30 with analog connections to a MD 200-306 CDI. I am removing the G-106A CDI in this installation as the D-10A (HSI) will replace all the functionality of the G-106A.

My question is...if I want to connect the SL30 to the D10A via the HS34 serial input, will I need to remove/disconnect the analog (resolver, LOC+, etc) wires from the MD 200-306? I would like to keep the integrity of a standalone SL30 radio/CDI for redundancy, but also reep the benefits of using all three(GNS GPS, GNS VOR, SL30 VOR) pointers on the HSI display vice only two (GNS GPS and GNS VOR) pointers. I don't understand the implications of having two OBS sources for the SL30, if that in fact is actually occurring. I'm not even sure I can wire the HS34 with both an SL30 and GNS530W input at the same time, although I can find nothing that says I can't. Thanks for the help in advance


Oct 27, 2008
Hello Russ,

If I were you, I would replace the Gemini PFD with a Dynon D10A and so have 2 D10A. One for the AI (PFD) and one for the HSI. You will have the HDG and ALT bugs from the HS34 synchronised on your PFD (top D10A) and your HSI (bottom D10A). Also, you have 1 baro to dial on the HS34. When you are in IFR (what I expect your target with your setup), one push button less is always welcome (and I don't even explain you the integration that you would have if you had the 2 Dynon autopilot servos :). On top of that, you will have real backup of one D10A fails (make sure to use the internal D10A RS232s for backup in case your HS34 fails).

You can, for sure, connect both the GNS530W (ARINC) and the SL30 (Serial) to the HS34 and select the HSI source (GPS/VOR1/VOR2) with the NAV SRC button and the bearing source (2 possible) with the BRG SRC button.

Concerning connecting both your analog CDI and a serial HS34/D10A to your SL30, this should be possible. But I didn't test it myself. You can select the OBS source with the Indicator Head Type option in the SL30 (see SL30 installation manual from Aug 2003 page 34). Select Serial for the HS34.



I love flying!
Jan 9, 2013

Excellent information, thank you. Yes, I agree that a dual D-10A setup with Dynon AP servos would be the better solution. However, I already have the Gemini and a Trio Pro Pilot installed, and the driving reason I'm installing the D-10A is I found a used one at a discount (AND I wanted to remove my vacuum sys). This panel configuration is "temporary" until I rebuild it completely with full size EFIS displays, but I'm about 2 yrs from tackling that project. I just moved to the Pacific North West and discovered I needed...errrr...wanted a more robust IFR machine, so this is my solution until the complete panel overhaul. Even with a few more clicks and turns, this will be easier than what I had before for IFR, but of course not optimal. I also plan on salvaging the two PFD's for use as a EFIS backup and passenger side display.

I will wire up the SL30 w/CDI to the HS34 and report back with results. Thanks for the pointout to the SL30 manual...I didn't think to look past the wiring schematics.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
One small correction - the indicator head type needs to be set to "none" on the SL30 when hooked up to a Dynon product. Counterintuitive, I know.

As for the simultaneous products analog / HS34 connections: over the course of the D10A/HS34 software, it has alternately worked and not worked (depending on whether or not the HS34 is trying to send an active course to the SL30, which it doesn't technically ever need to do, the way the SL30 reports course to the VOR) , and I'm not sure where we ended up. I think, but am not positive, that your scenario would work.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

You don't want the head type set to "none" with the given configuration.

You need to leave the head type alone ("analog") on the SL-30 if you want it to work with the analog CDI. In this configuration, the OBS for the SL-30 will ALWAYS be set via the analog CDI, and the D100 will just track it. The course knob on the HS34 will have no effect on the SL-30.

If you set the head type to "none" then it will not output to the analog head.