D-180 and Garmin 296


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
A question about installing the Garmin 296.

I have connected up as per all the advice given on this forum - thanks for that- but my specific problem is that I am still in the process of building my jabiru. It is still in the shed and while in the shed gets no GPS satelitte access etc. The engine has never turned over and the fuel tanks are empty. So when I look at the HSI or the fuel usage pages on the dynon (or infact any screen on the dynon) nothing happens which might give me a hint the dynon knows the GPS is there.

Is there some data stream happening while the GPS is connected but nothing else happening and is there some way of showing this so I can be sure the connection is actually working.

Or do I have to move the plane out in the yard and push it around furiously so the GPS and Dynon think I am going somewhere? ;D


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If the GPS is working and streaming, you can switch to the HSI page. It should say something like looking for satellites up at the top of the page.

You should have a "NAVSRC" button on the HSI page. If you don't, you either don't have the latest software in your EFIS, or thge GPS isn't hooked up correctly.