D-180 AoA Warning Noise  


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
I have a D-180 installed by AMD in a Zodiac CH601XL. They installed the Angle of Attack sensor, but couldn't get it properly calibrated with the version of software that was current on delivery day .. October 1, 2006. They didn't know if it was a problem with the probe installation (they hoped not) or with the Dynon software (they hoped!) I think mine was the first AoA probe they did. SO, instead of letting me fly with bad AoA information, they disabled the display. I fly around with the probe, but I don't see the display.

That is a situation that I'll take up with AMD.

But, here is my specific Dynon-related situation. When I'm on the runway and my effective TAS is something over 20 knots or so and under 55 or so , I get a buzzing through the audio system that sounds like the digital electronic version of a stall warning buzzer. But, it sounds way too soon ... continues way too long.. and is annoying while landing.

1. Is that an audio warning associated with the D-180?
2. If so, is it associated with the AoA sensor?
3. Can I recalibrate it?
4. Can I shut it off?
5. Should the end-of-October Software Rev make a difference in any of this?

By the way, I love my Zodiac and my D-180. What a super pair. I got the AoA as a playtoy. AMD did a wonderful thing and gave me a USB plug mounted on the panel for the Dynon. I approach a software upgrade with some fear and trepidation, but I'm willing to try if it will help get rid of the noise. (Also, I have a coupled Garmin 396 and want to see the link)

Thanks for a GREAT product! Frank Derfler N183AM


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

The noise you are hearing is the AoA alarm. You can easily turn this off by bringing up the menu, then:

more -> setup -> more -> more -> more -> AOAALM

Then press any of the left four buttons until it says "Audio: Always Off" then press back a few times.

The AoA display is in the clutter menu under:

more -> setup -> cluttr -> more -> AOABAR

You can toggle the AoA bar on and off as you wish.

You can recalibrate the AoA all you want, but to do this you should really read our install manual. The AoA cal is on page 7-11 of the guide, which you can download here:


The latest software update added more steps to the AoA alarm so you can hear it earlier if you wish to set it up that way, but didn't change the AoA calibration or cal procedure at all.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Re: D-180 AoA Warning Noise  

Ah! Super! Appreciate your quick reply.

Follow-on question: When I tried out your (nicely done) update software and selected the D180 as the device (but without the D180 and associated airplane being present in my office), I saw that the software was calling for COM3. My laptop has a serial port and a modem, so is COM3 the USB port?

Looks like a good project for after Turkey day! -- FJD


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The program will just cycle through all available serial ports looking for the D180. If all you saw was com3, that must be the only port you have free. A USB port is only a comm port if you have a USB-to-serial converter plugged in.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Re: D-180 AoA Warning Noise  

The D180 talks USB and my laptop talks USB. Access to the D180 is through a USB socket that AMD mounted in my panel. So, why would I need a USB to serial converter?

I want the update software to address my laptop's USB port, not a serial port. Will the software address a USB port to make a USB to USB connection to the D180? --FJD


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The D180 talks serial.

If AMD mounted a USB port in the panel, behind the panel is a USB-serial converter. You'll need the driver for this converter on your laptop before you update. Once you install the driver and connect to the USB port, this will show up as a serial port on your PC that the software program will then use. Make sure you don't start the update program before you connect to the USB port.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Re: D-180 AoA Warning Noise  

I'll be darned. I guess they anticipated that it will be increasingly difficult to find a serial port on modern laptops! I'm pretty handy with computers, so I can handle that part. But, that will be another challenge to happiness for future flyers!

Many thanks for your help! Your great support is really praiseworthy!

Frank Derfler Zodiac 601XL N183AM
see my Website at www.flyinflorida.com


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The D180 and D100 ship with USB-serial adapters. For all I know they just mounted that one in the plane. I guess you could say we anticipated that problem first ;)