I installed the D-180 (no internal battery) with HS-34 and TT AP. When I power up, the blue Dynon screen appears and all the lights on the HS-34 come on. Then the main EFIS screen appears and the HS-34 lights go off and there is a clicking sound about every 8 seconds or so. However everything else appears to work okay. This is with the battery only - not ready for engine start yet. This occurs with and without the 37 pin connector attached. any ideas on what to check? Thanks, Steve.
I installed the D-180 (no internal battery) with HS-34 and TT AP. When I power up, the blue Dynon screen appears and all the lights on the HS-34 come on. Then the main EFIS screen appears and the HS-34 lights go off and there is a clicking sound about every 8 seconds or so. However everything else appears to work okay. This is with the battery only - not ready for engine start yet. This occurs with and without the 37 pin connector attached. any ideas on what to check? Thanks, Steve.